Thursday, March 12, 2020

English Prose Study Essay Essays - English-language Films

English Prose Study Essay Essays - English-language Films English Prose Study Essay Miss Havisham is first introduced to the reader when Mr Pumblechook (Pips Uncle) announces that Miss Havisham Requests Pips presence to play at her house. Miss Havisham fits into the main plot because she trains Estella to break their hearts. When Pip sees Estella for the fist time, he instantly falls in love with her. Miss Havisham sees this and she encourages Pip to do so. Miss Havisham was also, in Pips eyes, the cause of his Great expectations Miss Havisham may also have been placed in the novel by Dickens, To explore how the effects of bad experiences on people. In this case it would be Miss Havisham being jilted on her wedding day In the first description of Satis house you get the image of a dilapidated house that has been abandoned even though there is someone there still living there. When pip goes to miss Havishams house she asks him to touch her heart. This according to her is Broken. When Miss Havisham says I sometimes have sick fancies this shows that Miss Havisham is mentally disturbed in the head. Satis house is an old decaying house, which was turned this way by Miss Havishams neglect. When Pip returns to miss Havishams she takes him into her wedding breakfast room. There is a rotting cake in the middle of the table. This sums up Miss Havishams life perfectly. Forgotten and Mouldy. Another thing that is made out to be strange is that al the clocks have been stopped at twenty to nine. This makes it sound like her life has been frozen in time, as she also wore one shoe, half her veil was arranged and she still wore a decaying wedding dress. This makes the readers believe that she has frozen time at that exact point. Miss Havisham plays an important part in the Novel as she leads pip into believing that she was his benefactor because he believed that she was rearing him for Estella when in fact it was the convict (Magwitch). Miss Havishams character at the beginning of the novel is made out to be cruel and heartless, however later on in the novel she turns over a new leaf and begs for Pips forgiveness just before she is burnt to death. Charles Dickens explores the theme of sin and forgiveness in the novel. Throughout the novel some of the people who have sinned tried to redeem themselves the other people who have sinned havent. In addition, Dickens explores the theme of what is a gentle man. Compyson Who jilted Miss Havisham and manipulated Magwitch into doing his dirty work was considered a gentle man whereas Joe Gargery took in pip even though he was not related to him in any way took Pip in and gave him an aprentaship at the forge was not considered a gentle man because he had to work for a living. Dickens explores many themes in the Novel. The main one being the effects on people after a bad experience. In this case this is through Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham dearly loved Compyson and she cast away most of her family who forewarned her that he was trouble, But she ignored them all and when she got jilted by him on her wedding day she realised that her family were right. After this Miss Havisham adopted Estella so she could raise her up to be invulnerable to the effects of society were in actual fact she was more vulnerable when she grew up. Miss Havisham also raised her up to break there heart of men. This in a way is revenge for what Compyson put Miss Havisham Through. Another theme in the novel is sin and forgiveness. In Victorian society many people went to church so many people believed in Heaven and Hell. Throughout the novel many people sin. Magwitch, Compyson, Miss Havisham Orlick and many more. Some of these people try to redeem themselves like Magwitch who became a secret benefactor to Pip. I sleep rough so you can sleep smooth also Miss Havisham realises that that she has destroyed two peoples lives. She tries to redeem herself by grovelling to Pip. Oh

Monday, March 9, 2020

Constraints of Convention To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Example

Constraints of Convention To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Example Constraints of Convention To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Constraints of Convention To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Being subjected to constraints of any kind is an encumbrance many individuals endure at some point throughout their life. However, one’s ability to overcome a challenging situation truly defines them. Harper Lee explored the topic of an individual’s response to living constrained by conventions or circumstances specifically in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. By developing strongly established customs in the small town of Maycomb, Lee is effectively able to communicate the complex social system and constantly indicates that the root of the problems in Maycomb are connected to the unrealistic conventions that are present. Consequently, many characters in the novel must make difficult decisions – follow along with the traditional community, be able to develop their own stand and live against tradition or a little bit of both, just like Miss. Maudie. Ultimately, the importance of attempting to live unconstrained by conventional boundaries is conveyed and reinforced by Lee’s thoughts about an individuals need for freedom, balance of moral and ethical principles and for the sake of truth and honesty. Everyone should be entitled to freedom, but evidently, people did not believe so in the past. In the 1930s, the economy crash and the Great Depression that followed posed severe difficulty for many individuals. Yet, during that time, society’s conventions were still present. One example of these customs was the racial segregation that separated individuals, giving white people more opportunities than black people. Not only was the current economic situation challenging, but also the segregation removed all possible freedom from the black community. In the novel, Tom Robinson and the other members of his community are simply trying to gain the freedom they deserve as human beings, and Atticus is trying to help them gain this right. When Atticus is making his conclusive speech for Mayella Ewell’s case, he begins to discuss the â€Å"evi